Who We Are
Notre Dame Belmont is an exemplary college preparatory high school for girls.
Distinguished Academics
Voted Best Private High School in SF Bay Area
Notre Dame Belmont has been voted Best Private High School of the San Francisco Bay Area. SFGATE spotlights the top-tier businesses and schools that make our Bay Area community shine, and Notre Dame Belmont won the public vote as best private high school!
Named Best Private High School Near Santa Clara
SF Gate has named Notre Dame Belmont one of the best private high schools near Santa Clara. Private high schools on this list have an A+ rating from Niche.com, a 4-star rating from a minimum of 60 combined reviews from Niche, Google and Private School Review.
AP Honor Roll Platinum Designation
The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. NDB has been designated as Platinum this year, rising from Gold last year. In May of 2024, 209 students took 408 examinations in 21 subject areas. From this total, 70% earned a score of 3 or higher.
AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
NDB has earned the College Board's AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for expanding young women’s access to AP Computer Science. This award acknowledges 1,153 schools for their work toward equal gender representation during the 2023-24 school year. NDB is one of only 847 schools to be recognized for achieving this important result in AP CSP.
NDB students achieved 100% pass rate on the following AP Exams, exceeding CA and global scores!
Where girls with dreams become women of vision.
NDB students pursue their dreams of becoming innovative change agents and leaders, with a commitment to social justice. An NDB education is not simply about educating a student's mind — it’s about forming a compassionate human spirit.
The Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Education Empower Young Women to:
Proclaim God's Goodness
We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good.
Dignify All
We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
Act for Peace and Justice
We educate for and act on behalf of justice, peace and care for all creation.
Commit to Service
We commit ourselves to community service.
Embrace Diversity
We embrace the gift of diversity.
Create Community
We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
Learn for Life
We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life.
Our Mission
Notre Dame Belmont is an independent Catholic college preparatory school dedicated to the educational mission of St. Julie Billiart and the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. We are a caring and compassionate community committed to promoting justice and peace while developing responsible young women of active faith, strong intellect, and Christian leadership. We develop the gifts and talents of each student and foster Gospel values in an environment of academic excellence and mutual respect.
Core Values
Students attend a national Leadership Conference in Boston where Notre Dame schools from across the country gather to build community.
A Global Network
The Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur serves 16 countries across five continents. The Sisters continue the mission of proclaiming God's goodness and educating for life as did St. Julie.