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Students dancing

Visual and Performing Arts

Disney Newsies The Broadway Musical

Extra! Extra! Tickets for Tri-School Productions Musical, Disney's Newsies, are on sale now!

Catch the show on March 28-30 and April 4-5. It is a performance you don't want to miss, packed with non-stop thrills and a timeless message, perfect for the whole family and every audience. 


Express yourself like a Tiger.

Art has the potential to expand and transform every Tiger in miraculous ways. Many NDB students share their artistic skills with their peers and have an opportunity to teach others. Some students arrive feeling as if they are not creative, only to find an opportunity to unleash a talent they had only imagined! NDB students explore a variety of artistic mediums including drawing, painting, printmaking, dance, theatre, video production, photography and graphic design. No matter what career our students choose, whether it be the arts, education or medicine, NDB’s Visual and Performing Arts program empowers students to learn to express themselves and utilize design thinking that can be applied to all aspects of life.

Arts Concentration

The Arts Concentration immerses students in creative expression in the classroom, on the stage and in the studio. Students explore historical and cultural meanings of art to intensify visual perceptions. Students gain insight into the technical processes involved in the production of art while they learn how to both express and create something greater than themselves, in and out of the classroom.

Who is an Arts Tiger?

An Arts Tiger doesn’t quite “fit the mold,” their expansive mind wildly beautiful and unique. Quirky, imaginative and creative, the mind of an Arts Tiger is visionary. Whether they are drawing a scene created from the depths of their mind or acting out the experience of a charismatic, complex character in a play, an Arts Tiger is expressive and dynamic. Unapologetically innovative, an Arts Tiger paints their own path and expresses themselves without limitations.

sculpture student smiles
Students perform an elaborate dance on stage, lifting one student up in the air
Students work on small sculptures in sculpture class
Students dancing
Two art students converse with an art teacher
Students dancing
Students dancing
Student acting
Students dancing
Students playing guitar
Student singing and acting
Sculpture students smile with mask
Student taking a photograph
Students dancing
Students dancing
Students dancing

Arts Concentration Students Develop:

  • An understanding of art history
  • Skills to conduct the technical processes involved in the production of art
  • Confidence to express themselves in innovative ways
  • Exposure to all facets of film; language, genre and visual and narrative structures
  • Creative self-expression

Courses and Opportunities

AP Studio Art students (both 2D and 3D Art) achieved 100% pass rate on AP Exams, exceeding CA and global scores!

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The Luggage Project

Luggage Sculptures
'What would you take with you if you had to leave home and could only take three things?' This was the question asked of beginning sculpture students at Notre Dame Belmont by sculpture teacher, Ms. Kuntz. Students designed a piece of luggage with three meaningful objects to place inside. For many, thinking abstractly posed a challenge. How would you show your love for your family without depicting one’s family? From a childhood tree growing up and out of a suitcase, to a row of houses and three teacups—the photographs exhibited represent the work of Notre Dame Belmont students who challenged themselves to think beyond the obvious.

The Mannequin Project: Fashion as Sculpture

Fashion is in the eye of the beholder. This Sculpture II assignment asks students to bring fashion and sculpture together using found materials based on a personal theme. Each of the final art pieces displays a vision of the world we live in.

Sculpture II Student Smile with Their Mannequin Projects
Student with Mannequin Project: Bubble Bath
Photo of a mannequin wearing an outfit made out of tape and various materials
Student with Mannequin Project: Travel
A mannequin wearing an outfit made out of a volleyball net
Student with Mannequin Project: Barbie
A mannequin wearing an outfit made out of beautiful orange paper leaves
A mannequin wearing an outfit made out of beautiful orange paper leaves
Student with Mannequin Project: Fashion
A mannequin wearing an outfit made out of newspaper
A mannequin wearing an outfit made out of plastic bags
Student with Mannequin Project: Nature
A mannequin wearing an outfit made out of paintbrushes and canvas
Student with Mannequin Project: Firefly

Tri-School Productions

Live theatre offers the best of both worlds to students who are interested in the performing arts and in technical design. Tri-School Productions students shine on stage and unleash their creativity by participating in the fall play and the spring musical. There are numerous opportunities to act, sing, dance and help by building sets, sewing costumes, and working on lighting and sound.

Fall Play "As You Like It"

Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting

Spring Musical "The Addams Family"

Students acting
Student acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Student acting
Student acting
Student acting
Students acting
Student acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting
Students acting

Tri-School Productions Build and Tech Team

Go behind the scenes as part of the Tri-School Productions Build and Tech Crew. Students work side-by-side with our team of professional designers to put on all aspects of each show.

  • Construct, paint and dress the set using theatrical painting and set techniques.
  • Learn to properly and safely use a variety of power tools.
  • Work with lighting designers to hang and focus lighting instruments and run light board operations.
  • Learn sound engineering to set up audio equipment and manipulate audio levels to obtain excellent sound quality. 

 Hear why students think you Should Join

Student working light board
Tri-School Productions lighting and sound engineers
Tri-School Productions Run Crew smiles backstage
Tri-School Productions Tech team

NDB InStep Dance Company

The NDB InStep Dance Company provides a professional dance experience for students like no other. Students choreograph numerous dances that are performed for the school community, at Open House and more.
Student dancing with dance teacher

An Evening of the Arts

An Evening of the Arts features 15+  live performance pieces by the InStep Dance Company and dance levels I-IV and an art and sculpture showcase.

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Students dancing
Students dancing
Dancers dance on stage
Students dancing
Students dancing
Artwork: Lady of the Lake by Caitlin McCormick
Students dancing
Students perform an elaborate dance on stage, lifting one student up in the air
Dancers dance on stage
Sculpture Mask: Daydream by Cadence Goblirsch
Dancers dance on stage
CSM Theatre
Dancers dance on stage
Artwork on display
Dancers dance on stage
Artwork on display
Dancers dance on stage
Dancers dance on stage
Dancers dance on stage

Winter Choir Concert

Choir students from Notre Dame, Serra and Mercy performed a wonderful Winter Lights Concert  featuring a dazzling composition of festive songs including the all-time favorite "All I Want For Christmas is You.

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Choir students with teacher
Tri-School Choir performs
Tri-School Choir member gives a thumbs up
Choir sings to audience
Tri-School Choir sings
Choir girls smile
Tri-School choir sings
Choir members smile
Choir girls smile as they lean over piano and look at program
Choir girls talk and smile
Choir girls singing

Career Examples:

Graphic designer

Participating in Tiger TV at Notre Dame really inspired me to pursue film and television production as my major in college. Were it not for courses at NDB and the enjoyment and experimentation I had in them, I don’t think I would have thought that I could pursue those studies as my major, let alone my career. I am proud to be a part of the legacy of strong, powerful women from NDB. 


Gabriela Dematteis '09

Gabriela Dematteis '09
Emmy Award Winning Producer and Filmmaker

I have been an international recording artist and touring musician for 20+ years. I have released 11 albums and have toured all over the world. Notre Dame gave me the confidence I needed to find my voice. When I used my voice to speak up about issues and values that I held dear, I found great support among my classmates - the bonds between us were incredibly strong thanks to the community spirit encouraged by NDB. Those members of faculty who supported me as I used my voice made me feel safe, seen and loved during those years when a young adult is most vulnerable. I have needed to trust in my voice as I make my way through a male-dominated industry, as I find the courage to put pen to paper and compose music and words, and as I step on stage and perform my work in front of thousands of strangers.

Dyan Valdes

Dyan Valdes '98
International Recording Artist and Touring Musician

Participating in classes and extracurricular activities such as Orchestra, Video Production, and Tri-School Productions helped me develop a solid understanding of filmmaking and the roles music and storytelling play in that. At the same time, the rigor of my Honors and AP classes prepared me for managing multiple film projects, and the experience I gained in various leadership positions helped me navigate the collaborative nature of the film industry. Being involved in Performing Arts and leadership positions at NDB prepared me for my career as a film composer managing her own composing business.

Celisse Tan

Celisse Tan '17

I am appreciative of NDB’s variety and rigor of coursework, which prepared me for the next chapters in both education and life. The most important benefit of an all-girls education is a growing sense of confidence. By the time I graduated from NDB, I was ready to take on the world.

Dianne Morton

Dianne Morton '83
Owner and Photographer, Dianne Morton Photography

News & Highlights

Visual and Performing Arts Faculty

Martha Anne Kuntz

Martha Anne Kuntz

Titles: Visual and Performing Arts Teacher, Visual and Performing Arts Chair
Isabella Custino

Isabella Custino

Titles: Choir Teacher, Visual and Performing Arts Teacher
Coleen Lorenz

Coleen Lorenz

Titles: Dance & Psychology Teacher, InStep Dance Company Director
Mark Thiesen

Mark Thiesen

Titles: Art, Photography and Graphic Design Teacher