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Spilling the Tea with Sister Gillian Ph.D., NDB Class of 1988

Students interview Sister Gillian
  • Alumnae
  • Events and Activities

Last week students hosted a talk show and trivia game with Sister Gillian Wallace Ph.D., NDB Class of 1988, in honor of Foundress Week. Among the many lessons learned from our conversation are:

  • Identify a person you can rely on and cherish that relationship because it is everything.
  • Embrace your voice. Sister Gillian shared how when she attended college she was one of the few women who spoke up because of how she found her voice at Notre Dame.
  • Prayer can take many forms including movement (dance, yoga, walking) and mindfulness.

Sister Gillian Wallace is part of the US East-West Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She is a graduate of Notre Dame High School, Belmont and UC Berkeley, and earned her Ph.D. in anthropology at Cambridge University in England. Sister Gillian is a member of the faculty at Notre Dame San Jose

Thank you for spilling the tea and sharing your wisdom with us, Sister Gillian! 

Two students interview Sister Gillian
Two students, one with a microphone
Students dance with Sister Gillian
Sister Gillian smiles
Student speaks into microphone
Students play game show trivia
Students play game show trivia
Student smiles
Student speaks into microphone
Sister Gillian smiles holding up a Notre Dame Belmont sweatshirt
Students laugh
Students smile
Student speaks into microphone
Two students smile with Sister Gillian
Students smile with Sister Gillian and Amy Jobin, Director of Campus Ministry