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Students Take to the Courtroom at Mock Trial Showcase

Student speaking
  • Academics
  • Events and Activities

NDB’s Mock Trial team held the annual Mock Trial Showcase on Monday, January 13. Mock Trial is an academic competition centered around a fictional criminal trial, and the Mock Trial Showcase is a way for students on NDB's Mock Trial Team to practice their skills in the courtroom before a competition.

Team members specialized in prosecution or defense, and then each argued their side guilty or not guilty. This included witnesses who memorized the facts of their witness statement, trial attorneys who delivered direct and cross-examination questions and pretrial attorneys who argued constitutional issues relevant to the trial and even the court bailiff.

The NDB Mock Trial Team, the only all-female Mock Trial program in San Mateo County, will compete against other schools at the official courthouse in Redwood City this year to see who makes the best case and delivers the most entertaining performance. Stay tuned! 

Learn more about NDB's Mock Trial Team

Student speaking at Mock Trial Showcase
Student speaks at Mock Trial
Student smiles
Student speaking
Student Judge at Mock Trial Showcase
Student testifies at Mock Trial Showcase
Student smiles
Student speaking