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Summer at NDB: Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Camps, Mock Trial and more!

Summer at NDB: Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Camps, Mock Trial and more!
  • Admissions

Have fun in the sun at Notre Dame Belmont this summer! With offerings for grades 3-12, there is something for everyone to enjoy!

Offerings include:

Summer Mock Trial

Mock Trial (Grades 6-12)

Interested in law, debate, or acting? Get hands-on experience learning about the criminal justice system, how to write proper questions to ask witnesses on the stand, and some of the Rules of Evidence that could lead to you one day shouting "Objection!" If you want to develop your critical thinking and public speaking skills, or you want to be a step ahead when the Mock Trial season starts, this course if for you. Learn more and register.

Volleyball Camps

Elementary, Middle and High School Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Camps (Grades 3-12)

Each camp will focus on setting, passing, digging, hitting, serving and blocking in a fun atmosphere. Learn more and register.

...and it doesn't stop there!

Learn more and register today