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Two Crimes Staged on Campus for Forensics Mock Trial

Forensic students review mock trial evidence
  • Academics

Forensic students take to the courtroom following mock crime scenes that are staged on campus. Faculty and staff take on the roles of perpetrators, accomplices and witnesses among staged crimes of vengeance on campus! Students evaluate the crime scene using their knowledge of fingerprint and bloodstain pattern analysis. Following crime scene evaluations, students hold an ongoing mock trial in the courtroom as they play out the roles of courtroom judges, lawyers, clerks and more. Various classes on campus attend the trial each day as the jury, along with American Sign Language students translating the courtroom correspondence. Students exude exemplary confidence and poise as they present evidence, record testimony, cross-examine witnesses and more! Go Tigers!

Learn about NDB's STEM Concentration

Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Mock Trial crime scene
Forensic student smiles
Forensic students review crime scene
Student writes evidence
Forensic students review mock crime scene
Forensic students review mock crime scene
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Forensic Teacher and Mock Coroner Remove Fake body
Crime scene tape
Teachers speak to class
Student police officers speak to mock crime scene witness
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Forensic students review mock trial evidence
Mock Trial Student Coroner records time of death of fake body
Mock trial courtroom
Mock trial evidence on screen
Mock Trial Courtroom
Mock Trial courtroom judge
Mock Trial courtroom
Mock Trial courtroom judge
Mock Trial courtroom
Mock Trial courtroom